UTI - Higher Risk In Women

Urinary tract infection or commonly called as UTI affects more women than men. This infection usually involves the lower urinary system composed of the bladder and the urethra. UTI is generally an infection of the urinary system. The infection may be present in one or in all parts of the system. It can be painful, annoying and dangerous if the infection is not treated immediately. Typically, not all people who have UTI will manifest signs and symptoms. When they do, they usually feel a constant and strong urge to urinate and it is sometimes painful when they urinate. The urine that they pass may be hazy or pink, which is a sign that the urine has blood. Others may notice sediments in their urine as well. When UTI becomes serious and widespread, most women will feel pain in their lower back and pelvic area. Since it is an infection, some may experience fever, chills, sudden urge to vomit, and abdominal discomfort.

Women have higher risk to acquire UTI because their urethra is shorter compared to that of men. Because of this, the bacteria can easily spread to other parts of the urinary system. Women who use birth control methods such as spermicidal agents and diaphragms can are also at risk to have UTI. Women who are going through menopause are susceptible to UTI as well. During menopause, estrogen which is essential in preventing infection is decreased. Women who are sexually-active are more at risk compared to women who are not.

The usual treatment for UTI is the use of antibiotics. Though UTI has a cure, prevention is still better. Preventing UTI is simple and easy. You need not take supplements and shell out huge amount of money.

Drinking lots of water everyday can help reduce the occurrence of UTI. Water reduces the concentration of your urine and is essential in getting rid of toxins and bacteria in your urinary system. Cut down your intake of coffee, juice drinks and alcohol. These drinks can aggravate the infection in your urinary system. Stick to plain, clean water instead.

Avoid the use of feminine products that can further irritate your urethra. There are different kinds of feminine wash, powders and sprays that are being sold in the market. Unless your gynecologist prescribed you one, do not use any. These products may have ingredients that are not suitable for you. Choose those which are mild. Keep feminine hygiene simple.

When you cannot use soap and water to clean yourself after urinating or defecating, you can use wipes or tissue; just be sure to wipe from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria from your anus to your urethra. His is one common mistake that women do which can cause the infection.

When you are sexually active, make it habit to urinate and wash yourself after sexual intercourse. By doing this, you wash out the bacteria and prevent yourself from having infection.

Turn these hygienic practices into a habit to reduce the risk of acquiring urinary tract infection. These steps for prevention are easy and free. Why shell out cash for infection when you can prevent it?

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