Major Categories Of Arthritis

The word arthritis comes from the Greek word Arthro which means joint and the suffix –it is which mean inflammation. In the literal sense, arthritis means inflammation of the joints. There are about a hundred forms of arthritis but we will be discussing only the major types of arthritis. The major complain of people suffering arthritis is pain.

Arthritis has about 5 classifications and each is identifiable from each other. However, when it comes to symptoms, it does not matter what type of arthritis you have. These symptoms are different levels of pain, joint stiffness, swelling and a constant ache around the joint area. Aside from these symptoms, one would also experience these other symptoms one way or another. These are difficulty moving the joint, tenderness, poor sleep, muscles aches and pains, weight loss, fever, malaise and a feeling of tiredness and the inability to use the hand or walk.

The first type of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis. In this kind of arthritis, the body’s own immune system attacks body tissues. The reason for this disorder is still unknown. The attack does not center on the joints but also to other body parts. However, it is the joint lining and cartilages that are most affected which usually results to the erosion of the 2 opposing bones. Rheumatoid arthritis unfortunately does not have any cure and treatments are all focused on relieving the symptoms.

The next category is osteoarthritis. This can be acquired through too much wear and tear of the joints and unlike rheumatoid arthritis it not only affects the smaller joints of the body, but the larger ones as well too. The condition starts out with a mild pain while walking but eventually becomes continuous and even occurs at night when the body is at rest. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis that affects people who are mostly aged 20 and above, osteoarthritis affects the elderly, particularly women. But just like rheumatoid arthritis, this is also incurable. The condition can be prevented from worsening by maintaining the correct weight and do some physical therapy. In worst cases, joint replacements can help the individual suffering from osteoarthritis unlike rheumatoid arthritis.

Lupus is the next category which is present with severe arthritis. Features of lupus can include skin rash, hair loss, kidney problems, photosensitivity, emotional liability, lung fibrosis and of course, constant joint pain.

Gout on the other hand is the deposition of too much uric acid crystals in the joint which causes inflammation. In its early stage, this arthritis occurs in one joint. But it soon spreads to other joints and can even cause crippling.

Infectious arthritis and psoriasis compose the 5th category of arthritis. Infectious arthritis is caused by bacteria and should be treated immediately to prevent irreversible damage. With psoriasis, it starts on the skin and later develops into arthritis. There is no cure for this disease and this can lead to permanent disability and hand function will be lost.

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Knowing the types of arthritis is like knowing your enemy. Arm yourself with knowledge and at the first sign of discomfort in the joints, do not disregard it. It just might be too late if you do.