How Steroids Affect Muscle Building        

Thin people would always want to look buffed and bigger, this is especially true with guys. They want to build a bigger body so as to, let us face it, attract more women. It is no secret that women get attracted to guys with big bodies. They have always longed for someone who can protect them and take care of them, thus the image of a big bodied man. But this actually puts men in a very dangerous situation. Because of this, men would do anything to be buff, even to the point of taking steroids.

Men will do workouts to achieve the body they want. However, they sometimes lose patience and become tired of waiting for the results. They get frustrated of the long and tiring process to achieve the said body and would then choose to use a shortcut. They know that workouts do not promise instantaneous result, but they cannot wait to show off their bodies and discard their Landau Scrubs - looking wardrobes. Hence, they choose to use anabolic steroids.

Steroids are used to treat some diseases but there are some steroids that are used to stimulate bone growth and appetite, induce male puberty and treat chronic wasting conditions, such as cancer and AIDS. These steroids are called anabolic steroids or anabolic-androgen steroids or AAS. These steroids mimic the effect of the male sex hormones dihydrotestosterone and testosterone. When these are taken, it will result to the buildup of cellular tissue, especially in muscles. Anabolic came from two Greek words anabole and androgenic. Anabole means that which is thrown up, mound and androgenic is from andros which means man and genes which means born.

If a person wants to gain weight, he can take anabolic steroids to help him increase his body weight because lean mass increases and soon you will not fit in your Landau 7594 anymore. And if the intake of this anabolic steroid is coupled with proper diet and exercise, muscular strength can be achieved and retained. This is backed by the American College of Sports Medicine.

However, the use of this anabolic steroid is supposed to be just a short-termed one. If this is used long-termed, there are so many health risks. Some of these effects are harmful changes in the cholesterol where there is an increase in the low-density lipoprotein and a decrease in high-density lipoprotein. Other effects are high blood pressure, liver damage which usually happens with oral steroids and dangerous changes in the structure of the heart’s left ventricle. Aside from these effects, steroids have been associated with the following health risks like loss of hair, development of breast tissue in males, reduction of female breast tissue in females, increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of contacting prostate cancer and  increased risk of baldness for both males and females.

Always remember that anything in excess is bad. The same is true with anabolic steroids. Any drug has the potential to be harmful especially when taken in large doses or when not following the prescription. Anabolic steroids are no exceptions.