Fashion for Operating Room Nurses, a Big Not!

First off, what are Operating room nurses? These specialized nurses can be in the operating room for hours with other medical workers with one patient. They are highly skilled in operating medical equipment and they have their own tasks during an ongoing operation. These type of nurses should have strong personalities because they have their own expertise on the plate. One wrong move could cost the patient and so they must be always sure of what they are doing and holding their ground when a colleague argues otherwise. Their responsibility and liability to the job is much tougher than the general nurses because almost always, a life is at immediate stake.  

They have to be built for hard work and dedication. Forget about going for a meal or call of nature breaks. They have to hold going to the toilet or getting hungry as long as they can when there are no available substitute during the operation duration. If there are no scrub nurse, then hours and hours can pass by without rest for these committed individuals at the operation room.

Operating room nurses are dressed usually in standard issued uniform scrubs. In movies, you might see them with blue hair nets, drab scrubs and face masks hovering over the operating table. Hollywood might have done a fair depiction on that part. These nurses often cannot recognize each other outside the operating room because of their usual outfit for work that covers their faces and bodies almost completely. Those nurses who don Cherokee scrubs to try to be fashionable in scrub suits are not found here. Some would warn those medical fashion divas to run away from or duties because of their expected dowdy scrub suits.

Solid colors are usually favored in the OR because they can be easily distinguished being clean or not. Good thing that there is Landau 8219 that normally comes in solid colors and has helpful pockets for the OR nurses to use during their lengthy work hours. Its v-neck design is suitable for extra ventilation for the wearer so lesser sweat is induced during the job.

Aside from scrubs there are also other accessories considerations for the Operating room nurses. To prevent any further harm to the patient, most or nurses are advised to take off their jewelry during their work hours. This rigid rule is required because germs can be found lurking in the edges or crevices of rings, pendants, necklaces, and wrist watches. Nails are also needed to be trimmed and cut so that their hands are completely clean.

Many find or work to be very challenging. It is not for every nurse to align themselves with the OR job because they know the pressure and demands the assignment commands. It is a very serious job who does not rely on anything but sheer skills and dedication and sometimes even some or nurses would say, a job that does not require fashion as a priority.