Heartburn, Acid Reflux and Its Remedies

Heartburn naturally refers to the pain and burning feeling felt in the chest. This is just below the breastbone. Contrary to its name, this is not related to the heart but in the esophagus. In which, this is a long tube-like structure that connects mouth to the stomach. Take note that the pain and burning sensation produced by this disease is not limited to the chest only, oftentimes, it radiates to other parts like neck, throat and jaw. This is in fact a symptom of gastro-esophageal reflux disease. This is generally accompanied by bloating and an acidic taste in the mouth.

As being mentioned, the esophagus is a tube-like structure that connects the mouth and stomach. That food that we consume everyday will reach the stomach by the esophagus. If the food has reached the stomach, backward flow towards esophagus is prevented by a circular muscle structure located at the junction of esophagus and stomach. This is commonly known as the lower esophageal sphincter. But seldom, the back flow of acid in the stomach is due primarily to the weakness of the esophageal muscle, inherent defects of the the sphincter, and excess acid in the stomach. A person’s stomach has a protective coating that defends it from gastric acids but it is not basically present in the esophagus itself. Every time the acid enters the esophagus, this will cause a person to experience inflammation in the area and will result in the said disease.

Risk factors are simply related to the high consumption of acidic foods, alcohol, and carbonated drinks. There are also conditions such as obesity that caters for building up the disease. Pregnancy could also be one of the factors because, this can put extra excess on the stomach and ill somehow affects the functions of the esophageal sphincter. Other diseases such as hiatal hernia, sarcoidosis and scleroderma, medications like NSAIDs could be one of the triggering factors for acid reflux and heartburn.

Here is a list of herbal remedies for acid reflux and heartburn.
1. Artemisia Asiatica – this is from a natural herb that could effective reduce esophageal pain.
2. Oregano – one of the most useful type of herb that is used for healing. People believed that this may aid in the digestion system and will allow healing the inflamed linings.
3. Peppermint – this will really be beneficial in the digestive system. Once you experience heartburn, and allow yourself to take this herb, you will get better as peppermint will help in the breaking down of foods.

Apart from the above herbs, you can also ask for some advices to medical professionals to give you the right medications. They are usually wearing landau 7489, as described to have a pocket scrub top or they may be in discount scrubs outfit.  This gives them security in their working environment.

Always remember that before taking any herbs, try to consult your doctor and they will be able to tell you the each herb that is harmful to your body. In this way, you will not get additional disease aside from heartburn and acid reflux.