Common Mistakes Teenagers With Acne Make

Teenagers often make mistakes in their quest to free themselves of acne fast. These habits do them more harm than good. First on the list is their habit of trying to manually pop their pimples. Picking on your pimples is never a good way to get rid of acne. Aside from the fact that it does not look good, it will make you susceptible to infection which will only add insult to the injury.

Another one of the common mistakes teenagers make, aside from picking on their pimples, is cleaning the face too much. Teenagers with acne usually have oily and red faces, which makes it a big temptation for washing it frequently. If you think that frequent washing will make you get rid of acne fast, think again. Acne is not mainly caused by bad hygiene habits. It is usually hormonal or genetic in nature. You will just end up irritating your face and leaving your skin too dry or too oily if a rebound reaction happens. When you leave your skin “squeaky clean”, it has a bigger tendency to be dry. This will cause your glands to produce more oil, leaving your face look more oily and dirty.

Teenagers are susceptible to commercials and advertisements on facial cleansers. It’s not too bad to buy some and try which one works, but it doesn’t mean you have to try on everything just because the commercials have shown how “effective” their product can be. Chemicals react differently in various skin types. Other facial cleansers have strong chemicals which can only worsen your skin’s condition if it does not suit you well. Keep cleansing simple by using mild soap and water. If you think your soap is not good for you, pay your dermatologist a visit and ask for a cleanser for your skin type.

Others find it a habit to scrub their face every day with every exfoliating product they get their hands on. Too much scrubbing is bad for the skin. It will not eliminate your acne. In fact, scrubbing can do more harm since it can make your pimples pop if you scrub too hard. A break in your skin can invite infection and worse, leave scars which are harder to erase. If you really want to do it, scrub once or twice a week only and always remember to be gentle on your skin. If you are fond of scrubbing your body, treat your face in a different way. The skin on the face is more sensitive compared to the skin on your body. Other products have milder forms because they use natural ingredients instead of chemical ones. Read the ingredients first before shelling out your money.The treatment for acne cannot happen overnight and with a flick of a finger. Even your dermatologist will tell you that. The best that you can do is keeping it plain and simple. Using too many products on your face is not an assurance that you will be acne-free. Be cautious with the products that you use and most important of all, be gentle on your skin.

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