DIY - Migraine Remedies

With all the stressors that people face every single day from their home to their work place, it is not a surprise that migraine affects a great percentage of the population today. Migraine is a type of headache which affects men and women, children and adults. It can be caused by a lot of things. These things are termed as triggers, which upon contact with the person can start a migraine episode. The triggers vary from person to person. A trigger which affects a person may not cause migraine to the other. The things that can cause migraine are divided into classifications below to help you identify the triggers easily.

There are certain foods that can cause migraine upon ingestion such as monosodium glutamate, a popular and commonly used flavor enhancer, tyramine and nitrites. Monosodium glutamate can be found in most dishes that are served in restaurants. Tyramine can be found in most aged cheese nuts and chocolates. Most fermented soy products, sauces and soup mixes also contain tyramine. Processed foods have both tyramine and nitrites.

Beverages can also trigger migraines. Studies show that alcohol aggravates headaches and migraine. Coffee, which is one of the most abused beverages, also causes migraine. For some people, milk and milk products are also triggers for migraine.

Environmental factors such as extremes in weather, lights which are too bright, noise pollution and repulsive odors.

Lack of sleep, unhealthy diet, crash dieting, imbalance in hormones, menstrual period and stress are some of the most common physical causes of migraine.

Psychological issues such as anxiety, depression and emotional problems can also bring about migraine.

Even Medical practitioners are prone to migraine. It is because of shifting schedules and various work related stress. Yes, they look fancy with their cherokee scrubs or landau 8327 on, but they also encounter such troubling migraine attacks.

The treatment for migraine is usually on medications and therapies. However, there are things you can do in order to prevent migraine episodes. The best way to keep in track of triggers that can affect you is to have a record of it, its effect on you and the effective ways to control it. Be conscious of the food that you take in everyday. When you have identified the triggers, try to exclude them in your diet or take them in moderation. Stay away from beverages that can cause migraine. Stick to water, which has a lot of health benefits, instead.

When you are working in a warm environment, wear clothes that are light and could allow proper ventilation. You can also use cooling appliances such as air conditioning units or fans and make sure that the room is properly ventilated. During winter, make sure that you are clothed in things that can warm you enough. Use heaters when needed. Adjust lights in your home and office so that they are not too bright or dull. Blind and curtains can also be helpful during daytime in order to regulate the light that comes in from the windows. Never skip meals or do crash dieting. Aside from being unhealthy, it will pose as an open invitation for migraine o strike again. Consult your doctor if you think you have hormonal problems. When you feel stressed or anxious, there are techniques that you can use to reduce them such as deep breathing or talk to a person who can listen as you pour out your emotions and concerns.