How To Deal With Thumb Arthritis

Arthritis can be an unbearable disease, especially when the pain and swelling gets severe and you are unable to go on with your activities of daily living. Aside from rheumatoid arthritis, there is another form which can be equally debilitating. This type is termed thumb arthritis. The affected part of this type of condition is your thumb, as the name implies. With thumb arthritis, the joint in the thumb becomes painful, swollen and is hard to move. This can be very frustrating since the thumb plays a very useful role in life. A lot of daily activities done in the house and your field of work require you to use your thumb.

The cause of thumb arthritis is not known. Medical professionals say that some factors can pose as risk to have this. Being overweight or obese, overusing your thumb, stress, injury and a family history of having arthritis can contribute to acquiring this condition. Upon the first symptoms of arthritis, seek help from your physician immediately so that tests can be done to properly diagnose it and treatment can be started to reduce the effects and discomfort that arthritis may bring.

Since the cause of arthritis is not known, there is no precise cure for thumb arthritis. The treatment focuses on reducing the pain, swelling and disability the condition causes. For pain, your doctor will prescribe you pain relievers such as non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen. However, using NSAIDs for a long period of time can cause dangerous effects such as liver damage. Acetaminophen, on the other hand, has less adverse effects.

For swelling, your doctor will prescribe you with steroids. Steroids reduce the inflammation on the affected area, helping you carry on with your activities. Without the inflammation, you will also be able to move your thumb freely with less discomfort. If you are a medical practitioner, that would be difficult to work with. However, you can ask your doctor for a much effective medication. In no time you will be wearing your cherokee scrubs or landau 8335 uniform at work.

For some, the use of splints may be recommended. Splints are materials placed on your hand and thumb to provide support and lessen the movement. It can help lessen the pain that motion can bring and give your thumb time to rest. You may wear it through the day or only at night and are available at drugstores.

Unfortunately, arthritis is a progressive disease which means that as your age increases, the severity of the symptoms will also magnify, even with treatment. The best way to reduce the influence of arthritis in you is to modify certain things in your life. Maintain an ideal body weight. Being overweight or obese will only aggravate the symptoms and will make it harder for you to cope. Choose equipments and appliances which are easy for you to use and make tasks in the office and around the house easier. There are available lid openers, door handles and other household equipments that would not require you to use your thumb. Ask help from your family members. It is very important to orient them with your condition so that they too can share and help you with your work and support you throughout this situation.