Questions Your Teenager Might Ask About STDs

Although it is very awkward to talk about sex with children, it becomes necessary these days. Your son or daughter might have misguided information concerning sex that can lead their lives in danger. If you have a close relationship with your teen, the thing is that he or she might be the one to ask you about STD or sexually transmitted diseases first. However, if they don’t and you feel the need to talk about it, initiate and take time to talk with them. They might thank you for this later on.

Here are several questions that they might have regarding STDs.

Is it true that only promiscuous people get infected with STDs?
STDs do not choose what characteristics a person has before attacking. However, when a person has multiple partners, the chances of getting infected also increase. Even people having sex for the first time can acquire STDs if the partner is infected and untreated. If you decide to do it, the use of condoms is necessary to protect yourself from getting infected.

Is there a way to see if a person has an STD?

Unfortunately, people who have STDs do not necessarily show visible signs that they are infected. They appear normal outside, but inside they might be carrying the infection causing organism which can be passed on later. It is best if you visit a doctor and submit you and your partner to tests which can determine these diseases.

Can STDs be acquired again even after treatment?

There is no such thing as STD immunity no matter how many times you acquire it. STDs are not like measles that can give you immunity after getting them and after treatment. Some STDs can be recurring once you get infected again. Others can even affect you for life, such as HIV. It is important to remember that STDs are infectious. It means that when you come in contact with the organism which causes it, you’ll likely be infected again.

Is there a way to know if I have an STD?

Unless you submit yourself to the doctor and undergo tests, there is no way to detect an STD just by looking at yourself in the mirror or feeling. A lot of STDs do not present itself with symptoms at all and spreads without changing the way your body may look. If you are uncertain about your health, have yourself checked. Spending money for a sound reason is better than worrying the rest of your life if you have a disease.

If I take contraceptive pills, can it prevent STDs?

Pills are not medications for sexually transmitted diseases. These are medications to prevent you from getting pregnant. Taking pills is not the same as using condoms. Condoms can provide protection from STDs.

While your teen may have peers to talk with when it comes to these concerns, it is more beneficial if this information come from you. Teach them how to be responsible in taking care of themselves and their health. It will not only make you feel secured about them; this can also change the way they look at sex and other things that are connected to it.

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