Things You Can Do To Help A Person With Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a long-term, progressive disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. People suffering from multiple sclerosis experience pain, weakness, loss of balance and feelings of fatigue or exhaustion initially. It may be then followed by disturbances with vision, the hands and legs might be difficult to move, loss of senses, and inability to control urination and defecation. Others may present emotional instability. They can be happy one moment and irritated the next.

If you have a family member with multiple sclerosis, you can help them in several ways. Be active in participating during the course of treatment. There is no cure for multiple sclerosis. The best that the medical professionals can provide is treatment to delay the worsening of the disease and treat the symptoms.

Prioritize safety. People suffering from MS may lose control over their hands and legs for a period of time. When they are trying to regain its use, help them with walking. They can have in coordination so be around when they are walking. If it becomes impossible for them to walk without assistance, you can get them a wheelchair or walking equipments such as canes or crutches.
Encourage mobility. When the muscles of the body are not used regularly, it loses its strength. Encourage them to walk for short periods of time in short distances. Suggest daily exercises such as swimming, walking or biking. Although exercises are beneficial, do not force them to do these when they feel that they are not up to it yet.They may have problems with urination and defecation. Give them food and drinks that can help relieve these problems. Serve them foods rich in fiber such as vegetables and fruits. Water is very important since it can help them urinate.

Loss of senses may also be present. If these loses are irreversible, help them cope with the feeling of having to lose senses. Have things that they need available by their side so they will not have the discomfort of having to look for those themselves. Provide audio books in case they find reading difficult. Some may have memory loss. If they are taking medications, make a list of the medications they need and the time to take them.Offer support. MS can cause a lot of stress to the person suffering from it. Orient yourself to the disease and find out ways which can help you and your family cope. They will turn to you for help. Be positive in dealing with them. Since this is a chronic illness, it will take a long time for them to recover physically and emotionally.

Promote independence. There are things that people with MS can still do. Allow them to be independent so they do not feel helpless. If they can do activities for self-care such as dressing up, combing the hair and brushing of teeth themselves, they will feel a good sense of well-being.
How you react to them during this time of illness can greatly affect them. Stay patient and optimistic so they will feel the same way too. Provide them with love and support so that they do not lose hope in the middle of this crisis.

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