Three Actions For A Healthy Heart

Old habits die hard for most people. Modifying your lifestyle and eating habits can be very challenging especially if you have been used to the old practice for a long period of time already. However, lifestyle and eating habits play a very important role in reducing the risk of heart diseases and other medical conditions. Haven’t you seen nurses wearing cherokee scrubs or landau 7594? They look clean and healthy but they too may look like heart disease free but the truth is, they were not. When you already have risk factors such as family history or have been through a heart attack, now is the best time for you to tweak your old habits. 

Here are five actions that you can do to save yourself from a bad heart.

1.   Less salt, less pressure. Salt, which is a household staple, can increase your blood pressure by retaining too much water in the body. An increase in blood pressure los means an increased risk to have heart problems. Cut down on the salt that you use for cooking and do not put salt on the table during meal times. The tendency for most people is to add salt when their food is bland. Another way of cutting down on salt is to avoid eating processed and canned food. These products contain higher amounts of salt. Make your own soup and dish instead or you can look for processed and canned food which have less sodium. Choose condiments which do not include salt, such as herbs and spices. Steer away from soy sauce, gravies and soup mixes which are loaded with salt.

2.   More fruits and vegetables on your plate. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be in big portions during meals. They are packed with vitamins and minerals, nourishment that you need to keep your body going and healthy. They are also rich in dietary fiber which is very effective in reducing certain heart problems. Instead of snacking on processed food and chips, reach for fruits and vegetables instead. Keep adequate stocks in your kitchen so you would always remember to include them in your meals.

3.    Go for foods which are high in protein and low in fat. Protein is very essential for building muscles. It can be found in sources such as meat, fish and dairy products. However, be conscious of protein sources. Make sure that the ones you choose are low in fat or you can modify food preparation in a way that you can reduce the fat you are taking in. Remove the skin from the chicken before you cook it. A large percentage of fat is found in its skin. Fish is a good source of protein and has omega-3 which is good for the heart. Omega-3 reduces triglycerides in the body which helps you prevent cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 is found in cold water fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna. Make it a point to include these sources to your meals.

Modifications in food preparations such as these are very helpful and very easy. This will benefit both you and your family. Being conscious with what you eat can really be helpful in reducing the risk of acquiring diseases which can be affected with your choice of food and eating habits.